EDEN 2023 Annual Conference

DCU St Patrick’s Campus, Dublin, Ireland

20th June 2023
  1. Dr Gizéh Rangel-de Lazaro, Dr Josep M Duart
    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
    “Flexible Learning and Virtual Reality”
  2. Mr David Corscadden
    Irish Universities Association
    “Breaking the Mould for a New Generation of Learners – Putting the Voice of Lifelong Learners on the Agenda”
  3. Dr Maria Isabel Mansilla
    European University Miguel De Cervantes (UEMC)
    “Formative Assessment: Hacking Grades in ESL Learning Using Audiofeedback”
  4. Dr Mohsen Saadatmand, Mrs Ulla Hemminki-Reijonen
    University of Helsinki
    “Re-Designing Online Learning to Meet the Needs of Future Learners”
  5. Dr Etain Kiely
    Atlantic Technological University
    “Global Play2Learn”: Challenge Based Transdisciplinary Learning
  6. Dr Melanie Hamilton, Dr Karla Wolsky
    University of Saskatchewan, Lethbridge College
    “Exploring the Intersection of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), Digital Education, and Students as Partners: Strategies for Engaging and Empowering Learners”
  7. Mr Paul Astles, Mr James Openshaw
    The Open University
    “Supporting Sustainability in Online Distance Learning Design: Our Journey to Connect Colleagues with Non-tokenistic Actions”
  8. Dr Donna Lanclos
    Munster Technological University
    “The Future” is Bullshit



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